The CRYPT Mag |
A warm welcome to a slightly delayed issue 36 of the CRYPT magazine. Regular readers of our publication may have noticed that this issue is running well past it original release date. Sadly I must take full responsibility for this, As a sudden Death in the Family meant that work was delayed for almost 3 weeks. My sincere apologies.
So what delights do we have for you in this issue? Well if you are using Linux based machine better read Mr. Uries excellent report on F-Prot a virus checker (can never be to careful).
PC users are well catered for with various articles that we hope you will find helpful. I would recommend you read and perhaps save or print out the article "Home Page Hijacking". This is becoming an epidemic on the PC platform these days, and finding the file responsible can be a daunting task, If you don't know where to look.
Amiga users, are very well catered for in this issue. First we have a handy utility in Priman ...which allow you to "Kill" tasks similar to the PC ..So if Yam locks up, you can kill that task and continue downloading that file from the Aminet.
We have a new Amiga game for you in this Issue ..."HellChess" from HellHound. This is an excellent Chess game, Available as a Free Download from their Website. Hellchess is available for multi platforms (Including Linux-Windows) However only the Amiga Version is completely free, With Demo's available for other platforms. So you can all enjoy it.
HellChess allows you to play against the computer or even play against another human player online. If your not really, a good Chess Player ..Don't worry, the game comes with a selection of tutorials to help you improve your playing.
Amiga versions are available as Lite-CyberGFX-PPC. I have been playing HellChess (Lite version) for several weeks now and can assure you it is an excellent game.
Why not download it and give it a try. If you enjoy it, Mail the guys at Hellhound and let them know. After all we need to show some encouragement to the few that still support the Amiga Platform.
Are you online with your Amiga, reading this? If so, no doubt you will know what I am talking about, When I say that I'm "pig Sick" of the various ISP failing to recognise that the Amiga is still in use and capable of going online.
"What platform are you using ....Amiga ...Sorry we don't support that ...Goodbye"
Well Now we have an ISP that is determined to support ALL platforms including the Amiga. However this ISP (Designserve) needs people (beta testers) to help ensure that the Amiga platform is fully supported.
Do you want to help out? ...Do you want to support the Amiga, If so Check out the Article and click on the link and sign up.
Remember this IS you chance to Get an ISP that fully supports the Amiga ...They DO need your support and help. If you want broadband on your Amiga ..You must pledge your assistance. Insufficient interest and the support might be scrapped. Please Rise to the Call and Support this development.
Well of course we have loaded of other features in this Issue, our famous selection of Jokes (All Animated). Steam Corner and even an Excellent article on fish keeping.
All in all a late, but very good read that will keep you entertained until our next Issue.
Do you have a view on the content of the magazine, Perhaps a comment (Good or bad). Do you have an article you would like to share with our readers, If so feel free to contact us ( -
If you have enjoyed this issue, why not let all your friends know, Don't be greedy and keep all the fun for yourself.
We look forward to hearing from you and know you will all be back for our 37th issue of the CRYPT Magazine.
© RIYAN Productions |